Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This texture is found at the Trident Hotel in Gurgaon, Delhi. The hotel was extremely modern, and way above a 5-star resort. Fresh flowers were everywhere and this bouquet of roses made a perfect picture. The texture looks soft and delicate, just beautiful roses. This was one of my favorite days on the trip. This is a picture of the sky above the Taj Mahal in Agra, Agra. The clouds were endless that day and the sky was this perfect blue color. It made for a pretty cool texture picture. They definitely look fluffy.
This is a picture of our elephant's trunk, Balboa. We rode elephants in Jaipur, India. The elephant ride was like riding in a rocky boat, but without the waves and seasickness. Anyways, this trunk is a texture has the roughest skin, but the most beautiful trunk.
This is a picture in Ahmedabad at the well. The first sight seeing day we did as a whole SMU group was the 4th of July. This was the 2nd stop on our adventure and the well was a pretty cool structure to see. This texture is full of Indian symbols and prestigious Indian animals.
This door was at the first Temple we went to as an Undergraduate group in our first outing to Downtown Ahmedabad. The rough structure reminds me of a prison or tourturing chamber. But in fact, this was a door next to one of the temples!